You might have the information we need.
NOTE: This survey ended July 31, 2021
If you are in the Lower Colorado-Lavaca Flood Planning Region (REGION 10) we are asking for your help through an electronic data collection tool accessible through the Stakeholder Data Collection Tool button below.
The link will lead to another site where flooding information is being gathered from two groups, as defined below:
Public Stakeholders
Public Stakeholders are invited to respond to the survey. This means the general public, individuals, groups, organizations including non-profit and non-governmental organizations with an interest in providing information to support flood planning efforts.
Public stakeholders will not need a password to complete survey, but will be asked to provide name, address and email. You can provide localized knowledge of flood prone areas and areas where mitigation is needed. Once logged in with your contact information, an interactive web map of the region will open. A search feature in lower right of map enables you to zoom to a particular address. Using the add feature tool, you can leave one or more location pins including a comment or description about flood issues/concerns.
Community Stakeholders
Community Stakeholders include individuals with flood-related responsibilities, such as County and Community officials and Staff as well as Federal, State, regional, and local authorities, utilities and districts.
Community Stakeholders who are currently on the Regional Flood Planning Group (RFPG) list have been registered by their email address to log into the data collection system. All community stakeholders in the Lower Colorado-Lavaca region have been provided the same password via a Mail Chimp email or some other direct method. If you are a community stakeholder without a password to log in, please email us here.
Thank you for your willingness to participate in this online data collection effort as part of the first-ever State Flood Plan for Texas.
All survey responses must be completed by July 30, 2021
Additional information for Community Stakeholders:
We invite you to share information to advance the regional flood plan development. It is not necessary to complete the entire survey when you first sign in. The survey is developed to allow the user to provide input incrementally over time. Feel free to complete one section at a time.
You also have the option of assigning a section of the survey to a colleague to assist you with the input. If you have any trouble, technical issues or wish to coordinate directly with us, email us here.
This survey has over 90 questions and could take about 30 minutes, depending on how much data you upload and add to the interactive maps. The questionnaire is comprised of questions, data upload requests, and interactive maps as described below:
Questions: The types of questions you encounter include selection of a single item from a drop-down list, selection of multiple items using check boxes, or text responses. For the text responses, you can enter as many items as appropriate, up to 2,000 characters.
Data Uploads: Several sections have options to upload files such as regulations, reports, studies, shapefiles, geodatabases, land planning data, etc. In these locations, you may upload more than one file. Please note you will need to press the start button to submit each file in our system.
Interactive Maps: There are nine interactive maps tied to the questionnaire regarding flood history, floodplain studies/maps, risk reduction alternatives, natural resources & condition changes, levees/dams, storm drainage systems, roadways, coastal, and critical infrastructure. Once you click the button to open a map, an interactive web map of the region will open in a separate tab in your browser.
Additions and edits are saved automatically, so you are welcome to enter and exit the maps as needed.
Inside the interactive map, a search feature in the lower right corner of the map enables you to zoom to a particular address. Using the ‘add feature tool’, you can draw in areas and respond to questions to help populate the database. You may add as many features as needed. Similarly, the edit feature tool enables you to add or change information about particular map features you have already created.
Your participation is key to the success of the regional flood planning effort. The RFPG appreciates any information you are able to verify and provide with the understanding that it may not be possible to provide response to all items.